Tubanharon is an executive and consulting engineering company founded in 2015 in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina (SC), Brazil, and unique in the process engineering segment accredited by CREA-SC. The use of innovation with a focus on science and technical foundations are the pillars of the company committed to the quality of the results delivered to customers.



Tubanharon Logo

The company logo was inspired on a legend involving a native Indian, a Shark, a Jesuit and a Captain. They are symbolized by four circles on an inclined symmetric plane. The left half of the logo pictures a shark head inclined by 40º, ready to bite a ball (the middle hollow large circle). The figure is rotated by 100º and copied up right to produce a sinking shark tail; or you can pretend that it also resembles a silhouette of a man (the Jesuit) ministering Eucharist, trying to “domesticate” the ferocious jumping shark. Alternatively, you can see a man confronting the fish, protected by his shield. The composed drawing serve as a contour of a painted indian facing left with his nose pierced (the shark biting ball), as used by the guaranis. Can you see it? You can play with the logo and try to relate it to the legend. Free your imagination and have fun! If you find another interesting story, please share it with us!

Historical backgrounds

The logo was inspired on some legends involving the origins of the names of the Tubarão River and the city of Tubarão. Tubarão is a city located 28º28’00” south latitude and 49º00’25” west longitude, in the State of Santa Catarina in the southern coast of Brazil.

In Tupi-Guarani, the language of the native Carijó indians, Tubá-Nharô or Tubá-Nharõ, freely adapted by us to Tubanharon, means “ferocious father”, a reference to the sometimes calm and comforting “father” river, sometimes threatening, causing floods by its fast rising waters; some historians suggest that the city and river name is a reference to a local Carijó tribe chief, at the time of Jesuit incursions. The city was later founded by Captain João da Costa Moreira, who adopted the name Tubarão. In Portuguese, tubarão means shark. Storytellers claim that sharks would swim up the river and scare the unaware conquerors. What do you think? Here are the coordinates of downtown Tubarão and the river, if you want to check if the legend could possibly be true: -28.479265, -49.005686 (You may paste it into Google Maps, if you wish).


Assembling a team of talented people to solve difficult process engineering problems had to wait until the right partners were at the right place. The gestation was long, certainly more than a decade, a long period during which all the fundamentals were carefully planned and studied.

The setup of an innovative consulting and engineering company —able to assist the modern Chemical Process Industry (CPI) in all of its demands— involves the combination of competencies, the knowledge of experienced professionals and the talent and impetuosity of young bright people.

Tubanharon was born with innovation in mind, ready to apply state-of-the-art technology, but focused on science and engineering fundamentals.

The name Tubanharon was the result of a search for a tupi-guarani name that could combine the anxiety for innovation while preserving the traditions. It came from the name of an indian chief called Tuba-Nharõ that lived in what is now the city of Tubarão, in the South of Brazil. The controversy of the city name is also reflected in our logo.

Tubanharon.com Internet domain name was created in 28-Nov-2007 while one of its founders (LMP) was on a sabbatical leave from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT has a truly inspiring atmosphere for creativity and innovation! Since then, the company has been conceived to operate as a consulting firm, business development and engineering services. It addresses complex problems that arise in the chemical process industry in general, as well as other industrial sectors that may take advantage of chemical engineering process principles and fundamentals.

During the last seven years, Tubanharon principles were tested in several opportunities by its founders and collaborators, in projects involving contracts with major CPIs in Brazil and abroad.

In January 1st, 2015, after several years of preparation, a contract was celebrated by its partners and a new company, TUBANHARON ENGENHARIA DE PROCESSOS LTDA., was founded. Tubanharon Process Engineering is inheriting all of Tubanharon’s intellectual capital and consulting experience, and is now ready to reach new milestones.

In 2019, we ready for a new, fresh restart.

MISSÃO: Assegurar aos seus clientes melhorias contínuas de resultados através de soluções inovadoras de engenharia e inteligência de processos.

VISÃO: Ser referência internacional, através de rigor técnico, em engenharia consultiva de processos industriais.


           Preservação da vida humana e do ecossistema

           Ética e comprometimento profissional

           Rigor técnico em todas as suas atividades

           Respeito aos contratos

           Proatividade e espírito inovador


           Foco individualizado em cada área da indústria

           Economia de tempo com simulação de processos

           Expertise e experiência dos consultores

           Disponibilidade e comprometimento com os projetos

           Serviço personalizado ao cliente